Rsd.Dudu.Client License Info
软件用户许可安装协议 Software Installation User License Agreement
特别申明: Special Declaration:
未经许可,本“软件”(参见1.1)禁止用于任何形式,任何目的AI机器学习。 Without permission, this "software"(see 1.1) is prohibited from being used for any form or purpose of AI machine learning.
重要须知: Important Notice:
在此特别提醒用户认真阅读、充分理解本《软件许可及安装协议》(下称《协议》 Users are reminded to carefully read and fully understand this Software License and Installation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
用户应认真阅读、充分理解本《协议》中各条款,包括免除或者限制南京红微信息科技有限公司(下称“我公司”)责任的免责条款及对用户的权利限制条款。请您审慎阅读并选择接受或不接受本《协议》。除非您接受本《协议》所有条款,否则您无权安装或使用本软件及其相关服务。您的安装、使用、License获取和登录等行为将视为对本《协议》的接受,并同意接受本《协议》各项条款的约束。 Users should carefully read and fully understand all the terms and conditions in this Agreement, including the disclaimer clauses that exempt or limit the liability of Nanjing Hongwei Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and the restrictions on user rights. Please carefully read and choose whether to accept or not to accept this Agreement.Unless you accept all the terms of this Agreement, you have no right to install or use this software and its related services. Your installation, use, license acquisition, and login actions will be deemed as acceptance of this Agreement, and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
This Agreement is between you (hereinafter referred to as the "User") and our company regarding the installation, use, registration, use, and management of software by the User; And agreements entered into using the relevant services provided by our company. This Agreement describes the rights and obligations between our company and users regarding the licensed use of the software and related services. "User" refers to individuals or organizations who obtain software product and number authorization licenses and use related services provided by our company through the channels provided by the company for obtaining software authorization and license registration.
本《协议》可由我公司随时更新,更新后的协议条款一旦公布即代替原来的协议条款,恕不再另行通知。用户可重新下载安装本软件或网站查阅最新版协议条款。在我公司修改《协议》条款后,如果用户不接受修改后的条款,请立即停止使用我公司提供的软件和服务,用户继续使用我公司提供的软件和服务将被视为已接受了修改后的协议。 除本《协议》有明确规定外,本《协议》并未对利用本“软件”使用的公司或合作单位的其他服务规定相关的服务条款。对于这些服务,一般有单独的服务条款加以规范,用户须在使用有关服务时另行了解与确认。单独的服务条款与本协议有冲突的地方,以单独的服务条款为准。如用户使用该服务,视为对相关服务条款的接受。
This Agreement may be updated by our company at any time, and once the updated terms are published, they will replace the original terms without further notice. Users can download and install this software again or check the latest version of the agreement terms on the website. After our company modifies the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using the software and services provided by our company. If the user continues to use the software and services provided by our company, it will be deemed that they have accepted the modified agreement. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement does not provide any relevant service terms for any other services provided by companies or cooperative units using this Software. For these services, there are generally separate service terms to regulate, and users must separately understand and confirm when using the relevant services. In case of any conflict between the separate service terms and this agreement, the separate service terms shall prevail. If the user uses this service, it shall be deemed as acceptance of the relevant service terms.
1 知识产权声明
- Intellectual Property Declaration
1.1 本“软件”是由我公司开发的包括但不限于:程序执行文件以及其依赖的其他文件、程序执行脚本、程序说明文档、使用操作手册、操作演示视频、程序介绍演示文件。“软件”的一切版权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权,以及与“软件”相关的所有信息内容,包括但不限于:文字表述及其组合、图标、图饰、图表、色彩、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据、印刷材料、或电子文档等均受中华人民共和国著作权法、商标法、专利法、反不正当竞争法和相应的国际条约以及其他知识产权法律法规的保护,除涉及第三方授权的软件或技术外,我公司享有上述知识产权。 1.1 This "software" is developed by our company, including but not limited to: program execution files and other files it depends on, program execution scripts, program documentation, user manuals, operation demonstration videos, and program introduction demonstration files. All copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights of the software, as well as all information related to the software, including but not limited to: textual expressions and their combinations, icons, decorations, charts, colors, interface design, layout framework, relevant data, printed materials, or electronic documents, are protected by the Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Patent Law, Anti Unfair Competition Law, corresponding international treaties, and other intellectual property laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. Except for software or technology authorized by third parties, our company enjoys the above-mentioned intellectual property rights.
1.2 未经我公司书面同意,用户不得为任何营利性或非营利性的目的自行实施、利用、转让或许可任何三方实施、利用、转让上述知识产权,我公司保留追究上述未经许可行为的权利。 1.2 Without the written consent of our company, users are not allowed to independently implement, utilize, transfer, or license any third party to implement, utilize, or transfer the aforementioned intellectual property rights for any profit or non-profit purposes. Our company reserves the right to pursue the aforementioned unauthorized behavior.
2 “软件”授权范围 2. Scope of Software Authorization
2.1 用户可以在单台或者多台计算机、终端机、工作站、服务器(下统称“计算机”)上安装、使用、显示、运行本“软件”。运行环境通常为一台或多台服务器,多台客户端计算机。本软件为平台级应用软件,包含多个子系统模块,每个模块需单独安装、部署、授权及进行License分配。我公司根据相关协议提供以上不同模块的安装组合给用户。 2.1 Users can install, use, display, and run this software on a single or multiple computers, terminals, workstations, and servers (collectively referred to as "computers"). The operating environment typically consists of one or more servers and multiple client computers. This software is a platform level application software that includes multiple subsystem modules, each of which needs to be installed, deployed, authorized, and licensed separately. Our company provides installation combinations of the different modules mentioned above to users according to relevant agreements.
2.2 用户不得未经我公司许可,将本“软件”安装在未经我公司明示许可的其他计算机设备上。 2.2 Users are not allowed to install this software on other computer devices without our company's explicit permission.
2.3 保留权利:未明示授权的其他一切权利仍归我公司所有,用户使用其他权利时须另外取得我公司的书面同意。 2.3 Rights reserved: All other rights not expressly authorized remain the property of our company, and users must obtain written consent from our company when using other rights.
2.4 除本《协议》有明确规定外, 本《协议》并未对利用本“软件”访问的我公司或合作单位的其他服务规定相关的服务条款,对于这些服务有可能有单独的服务条款加以规范,请用户在使用有关服务时另行了解与确认。 2.4 Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement does not specify any relevant service terms for other services accessed by our company or cooperating units using this Software. There may be separate service terms to regulate these services. Users are advised to understand and confirm separately when using the relevant services.
3 用户使用须知 3 Information to the user
3.1 用户应保证其提供给我公司的资料均为真实无误。 3.1 Users should ensure that the information they provide to our company is true and accurate.
3.2 关于我公司软件使用License 3.2 About Our Company's Software Usage License
3.2.1 用户可以通过购买注册我公司License使用我公司提供的与购买软件相关的各种服务。用户通过购买软件License使用我公司的服务时,须同时遵守各项服务的服务条款。 3.2.1 Users can use various services related to purchasing software provided by our company by purchasing and registering our company license. When users use our company's services by purchasing a software license, they must also comply with the service terms of each service.
3.2.2 软件的著作权归我公司所有,用户完成申请注册手续后,获得软件的使用权。 3.2.2 The copyright of the software belongs to our company, and users can obtain the right to use the software after completing the application and registration procedures.
3.2.3 我公司软件License使用权仅属于初始申请注册人,禁止赠与、借用、租用、转让或售卖。如果软件发现使用者并非License初始注册人,我公司有权在未经通知的情况下回收该License而无需向该账号使用人承担法律责任,由此带来的包括并不限于中断、清空等损失由用户自行承担。我公司禁止用户私下有偿或无偿转让License,以免因软件问题产生纠纷,用户应当自行承担因违反此要求而遭致的任何损失,同时我公司保留追究上述行为人法律责任的权利。 3.2.3 The right to use our company's software license only belongs to the initial applicant for registration, and gifts, loans, leases, transfers, or sales are prohibited. If the software discovers that the user is not the initial registrant of the license, our company has the right to reclaim the license without notice without assuming legal responsibility to the user of the account. Any losses resulting from this, including but not limited to interruptions, clearing, etc., shall be borne by the user. Our company prohibits users from privately transferring the License for free or for free, in order to avoid disputes arising from software issues. Users should bear any losses caused by violating this requirement on their own, and our company reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility against the above-mentioned perpetrators.
3.2.4 用户承担软件使用License的保管责任,并就其基于License项下之一切活动负全部责任。用户须重视软件License保护。用户同意如发现他人未经许可使用其License时立即通知我公司。 3.2.4 The user shall be responsible for the custody of the software usage license and shall be fully responsible for all activities under the license. Users must pay attention to software license protection. The user agrees to notify our company immediately if they discover that others are using their license without permission.
3.3 用户在遵守法律及本《协议》的前提下可依本《协议》使用本“软件”。用户无权实施包括但不限于下列行为: 3.3 Users may use the Software in accordance with this Agreement, provided that they comply with the law and this Agreement. Users are not authorized to engage in the following behaviors, including but not limited to:
3.3.1 用户通过非我公司开发、授权或认可的三方兼容软件、系统登录或使用我公司软件及服务,用户针对我公司的软件和服务使用非我公司开发、授权或认证的插件和二次开发软件; 3.3.1 Users log in or use our company's software and services through third-party compatible software or systems that are not developed, authorized or recognized by our company. Users use plugins and secondary development software that are not developed, authorized or certified by our company for our company's software and services;
3.3.2 删除本“软件”及其他副本上所有关于版权的信息、内容; 3.3.2 Delete all copyright related information and content on this software and other copies;
3.3.3 对本“软件”进行反向工程、反向汇编、反向编译、AI机器学习训练等操作; 3.3.3 Perform reverse engineering, reverse assembly, reverse compilation, AI machine learning training, and other operations on this software;
3.3.4 对于本“软件”相关信息等,未经我公司书面同意,用户擅自实施包括但不限于下列行为:使用、出租、出借、复制、修改、链接、转载、汇编、发表、出版,建立镜像站点、擅自借助本“软件”发展与之有关的衍生产品、作品、服务、插件、外挂、兼容、互联等。 3.3.4 Without the written consent of our company, users may engage in the following behaviors without authorization, including but not limited to: use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, assemble, publish, establish mirror sites, and develop derivative products, works, services, plugins, plugins, compatibility, interconnection, etc. related to this software.
3.3.5 利用本“软件”发表、传送、传播、储存违反国家法律、危害国家安全、祖国统一、社会稳定、公序良俗的内容,或任何不当的、侮辱诽谤的、淫秽的、暴力的及任何违反国家法律法规政策的内容。 3.3.5 Using this software to publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that violates national laws, endangers national security, national unity, social stability, public order and good customs, or any inappropriate, insulting, defamatory, obscene, violent, or any content that violates national laws, regulations, and policies.
3.3.6 利用本“软件”发表、传送、传播、储存侵害他人知识产权、商业秘密权等合法权利的内容; 3.3.6 Using this software to publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that infringes upon the legitimate rights of others such as intellectual property and trade secrets;
3.3.7 传送或散布以其他方式实现传送含有受到知识产权法律保护的图像、相片、软件或其他资料的文件,作为举例(但不限于此):包括版权或商标法(或隐私权或公开权),除非用户拥有或控制着相应的权利或已得到所有必要的认可; 3.3.7 Transmission or distribution of files containing images, photos, software, or other materials protected by intellectual property law, as an example (but not limited to): including copyright or trademark law (or privacy or disclosure rights), unless the user owns or controls the corresponding rights or has obtained all necessary approvals;
3.3.8 使用任何包含有通过侵犯商标、版权、专利、商业机密或任何一方的其他专有权利的方式利用本“软件”获得的图像或相片的资料或信息; 3.3.8 Use any materials or information containing images or photos obtained through infringement of trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of either party using this software;
3.3.9 任何人进行任何危害计算机网络安全的行为,包括但不限于:使用未经许可的数据或进入未经许可的服务器/账号;未经允许进入公众计算机网络或者他人计算机系统并删除、修改、增加存储信息;未经许可,企图探查、扫描、测试本“软件”系统或网络的弱点或其它实施破坏网络安全的行为;企图干涉、破坏本“软件”系统或网站的正常运行,故意传播恶意程序或病毒以及其他破坏干扰正常网络信息服务的行为;伪造TCP/IP数据包名称或部分名称; 3.3.9 Anyone who engages in any behavior that endangers computer network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; Unauthorized access to public computer networks or other people's computer systems and deletion, modification, or addition of stored information; Attempting to explore, scan, test vulnerabilities in the software system or network without permission, or engaging in other behaviors that disrupt network security; Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the software system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services; Forgery of TCP/IP packet names or partial names;
3.3.10 通过修改或伪造软件作品运行中的指令、数据、数据包,增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果,不得将用于上述用途的软件通过信息网络向公众传播或者运营; 3.3.10 By modifying or forging instructions, data, and data packets during the operation of software works, adding, deleting, or changing the functions or operating effects of the software, software used for the above purposes shall not be disseminated or operated to the public through information networks;
3.3.11 将本软件及我公司提供的服务用于核设施运行、生命维持或其他会使人类及其财产处于危险之中的重大设备。用户明白本软件及我公司提供的服务并非为以上目的而设计,如果因为软件和服务的原因导致以上操作失败而带来的人员伤亡、严重的财产损失和环境破坏,我公司将不承担任何责任; 3.3.11 Use this software and the services provided by our company for the operation of nuclear facilities, life maintenance, or other major equipment that may put humans and their property at risk. The user understands that this software and the services provided by our company are not designed for the above purposes. If the above operations fail due to the software and services, resulting in personal injury, serious property damage, and environmental damage, our company will not bear any responsibility;
3.3.12 制作、发布、传播用于窃取相关或者其它软件及他人专属信息、财产、保密信息的软件; 3.3.12 Production, release, and dissemination of software used to steal relevant or other software, as well as exclusive information, property, and confidential information of others;
3.3.13 在未经我公司书面明确授权前提下,出售、出租、出借、散布、转移或转授权软件和服务或相关的链接或从使用软件和服务或软件和服务的条款中获利,无论以上使用是否为直接经济或金钱收益; 3.3.13 Selling, renting, lending, distributing, transferring, or sublicensing software and services or related links, or profiting from the use of software and services or the terms of software and services, without explicit written authorization from our company, regardless of whether the above use is direct economic or monetary gain;
3.3.14 其他以任何不合法的方式、为任何不合法的目的、或以任何与本协议不一致的方式使用本软件和我公司提供的其他服务; 3.3.14 Use this software and other services provided by our company in any illegal manner, for any illegal purpose, or in any way inconsistent with this agreement;
3.3.15 用户若违反上述规定,我公司有权采取终止、完全或部分中止、限制用户对软件的使用功能。 3.3.15 If the user violates the above regulations, our company has the right to terminate, completely or partially suspend, or restrict the user's use of the software's functions.
3.4 本“软件”同大多数互联网软件一样,受包括但不限于用户原因、网络服务质量、社会环境等因素的差异影响,可能受到各种安全问题的侵扰,如他人利用用户的资料,造成现实生活中的骚扰;用户下载安装的其它软件或访问的其他网站中含有“特洛伊木马”等病毒,威胁到用户的计算机信息和数据的安全,继而影响本“软件”的正常使用等等。用户应加强信息安全及使用者资料的保护意识,要注意加强密码保护,以免遭致损失和骚扰。 3.4 Like most Internet software, this "software" is affected by differences in factors including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment, etc., and may be harassed by various security issues, such as the harassment in real life caused by others using user information; Other software downloaded and installed by users or websites accessed contain viruses such as Trojan horses, which threaten the security of user's computer information and data, and subsequently affect the normal use of this software. Users should strengthen their awareness of information security and data protection, and pay attention to password protection to avoid losses and harassment.
3.5 非经我公司或我公司授权开发并正式发布的其它任何由本“软件”衍生的软件均属非法,下载、安装、使用此类软件,将可能导致不可预知的风险,由此产生的一切法律责任与纠纷一概与我公司无关。建议用户不要轻易下载、安装、使用此类软件,否则引起的一切法律责任纠纷一概与我公司无关。 3.5 Any other software derived from this software that is not developed and officially released by our company or authorized by our company is illegal. Downloading, installing, and using such software may result in unpredictable risks, and all legal liabilities and disputes arising from it are not related to our company. We suggest that users do not easily download, install, or use such software, otherwise any legal disputes arising from it will not be related to our company.
3.6 一般而言,我公司基于下列原因需要使用到用户的资料信息:(1)执行软件验证服务。(2)执行软件升级服务。(3)提高您的使用安全性并提供客户支持。(4)执行我公司的隐私保护声明。 3.6 Generally speaking, our company needs to use user information for the following reasons: (1) to perform software verification services. (2) Perform software upgrade services. (3) Improve your usage security and provide customer support. (4) Implement our company's privacy protection statement.
3.7 “用户同意”的方式有:(1)接受本协议及我公司发布的服务条款;(2)用户通过电子邮件、电话、传真、及时通信等方式所作的口头或者书面表示;(3)协议或者服务声明中有“默认同意”条款且用户对此无异议;(4)其他公司与用户均认可的方式。 3.7 The ways for "user consent" include: (1) accepting this agreement and the service terms published by our company; (2) Oral or written representations made by users through email, phone, fax, timely communication, etc; (3) There is a "default agreement" clause in the agreement or service statement, and the user has no objection to it; (4) A method recognized by other companies and users.
3.8 本“软件”的替换、修改和升级:我公司保留在任何时候通过为您提供本“软件”替换、修改、升级版本的权利以及为替换、修改或升级收取费用的权利。 3.8 Replacement, modification, and upgrade of this "software": Our company reserves the right to provide you with a replacement, modification, or upgrade version of this "software" at any time, as well as the right to charge fees for replacement, modification, or upgrade.
3.9 本“软件”使用的第三方的软件或技术 3.9 Third party software or technology used in this software
3.9.1 本“软件”可能会使用第三方的软件或技术,该等使用均是获得了合法授权的。如因本“软件”使用的第三方软件或技术引发的任何纠纷,由该第三方负责解决,我公司不承担任何责任。 我公司不对该第三方软件或技术提供客服支持,若用户需要获取支持,请与该第三方联系。 3.9.1 This software may use third-party software or technology, and such use is authorized by law. Any disputes arising from the use of third-party software or technology in this software shall be resolved by the third party, and our company shall not be held responsible. Our company does not provide customer service support for this third-party software or technology. If users need support, please contact the third-party.
3.9.2 本“软件”如果使用了第三方的软件或技术,该第三方对该等使用有要求且需要用户遵守的,则用户应当遵守该等要求。本《协议》的附件将向用户介绍本“软件”使用了的第三方的软件或技术,并将向用户提供该第三方网络链接地址,用户可以通过点击该网络链接地址浏览、阅读、了解该第三方提出的该等软件或技术的使用要求。 3.9.2 If this "software" uses third-party software or technology, and such third-party has requirements for such use that the user needs to comply with, the user shall comply with such requirements. The attachment to this Agreement will introduce the third-party software or technology used by the Software to the User, and provide the User with the third-party network link address. The User can browse, read, and understand the requirements for the use of such software or technology proposed by the Third Party by clicking on the network link address.
3.9.3 本《协议》上述第3.9.2条提到,本《协议》附件将对本“软件”所使用的第三方的软件或技术进行介绍。 3.9.3 As mentioned in Article 3.9.2 of this Agreement, the annexes to this Agreement will introduce the third-party software or technology used in this Software. 用户充分理解到:该介绍仅仅是我公司依照该第三方提供的情况,并根据我公司的理解对该等软件或技术所作的一个大致的介绍。我公司并不对该等软件或技术的功能、性质及其他情况作任何明示的或者默示的担保,也不保证该介绍就是对该等软件或技术所有情况的全面的、细致的介绍。用户如需对该等软件或技术进行全面细致的了解,应当直接与该第三方联系。 The user fully understands that this introduction is only a rough introduction made by our company based on the information provided by the third party and our company's understanding of the software or technology. Our company does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the functionality, nature, or other aspects of such software or technology, nor does it guarantee that this introduction is a comprehensive and detailed introduction to all aspects of such software or technology. If users need a comprehensive and detailed understanding of such software or technology, they should directly contact the third party.
3.9.4 本《协议》上述第3.9.2条提到,第三方可能对本“软件”使用其授权的软件或技术有相关要求,且需要用户遵守,本《协议》附件将向用户提供第三方的网络链接地址,供用户了解第三方的相关要求。 3.9.4 As mentioned in Article 3.9.2 of this Agreement, third parties may have relevant requirements for the use of authorized software or technology by this Software, which users are required to comply with. The attachment to this Agreement will provide users with the network link address of the third party for users to understand the relevant requirements of the third party. 用户充分理解到:本《协议》附件所提供的第三方的网络链接地址,是我公司根据第三方提供的当前的网络链接地址而向用户提供的。该第三方有可能变更上述网络链接地址,也有可能对本“软件”使用其授权的软件或技术的相关要求进行变更,而我公司可能不能及时更新上述网络链接地址。因此,用户需要及时了解该第三方上述网络链接地址及相关要求的变更。 而且,用户还充分理解到:第三方的相关要求可能会以“软件使用许可协议”、“授权协议”或者其他的形式来表达,是本《协议》不可分割的组成部分,与本《协议》具有同等的法律效力。且如该等要求需要用户遵守而您没有遵守时,该第三方或者国家司法机关可能会对您提起诉讼、罚款或其他的制裁措施,且要求公司给予协助。 The user fully understands that the third-party network link address provided in the attachment of this Agreement is provided by our company to the user based on the current network link address provided by the third party. The third party may change the above network link address, or may make changes to the requirements for using the authorized software or technology of this software, and our company may not be able to update the above network link address in a timely manner. Therefore, users need to promptly understand the changes in the third-party network link address and related requirements mentioned above. Moreover, users fully understand that third-party requirements may be expressed in the form of "software usage license agreements," "authorization agreements," or other forms, and are an integral part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as this Agreement. If such requirements need to be complied with by the user but you fail to comply, the third party or national judicial authority may file a lawsuit, fine or other sanctions against you, and request assistance from the company.
3.9.5 您充分理解到:本《协议》附件所提到的本“软件”使用的第三方授权的软件或技术,仅仅是本“软件”当前“正在”使用的第三方授权的软件或技术,我公司并不保证本“软件”将会永久地使用该等软件或技术,也不保证将来不会使用该第三方的其他的软件或技术,还不保证将来不会使用非该第三方的同类型或不同类型的软件或技术。 3.9.5 You fully understand that the third-party authorized software or technology used in this "Software" referred to in the appendix of this Agreement is only the third-party authorized software or technology currently being used by this "Software". Our company does not guarantee that this "Software" will permanently use such software or technology, nor does it guarantee that it will not use other third-party software or technology in the future, nor does it guarantee that it will not use the same or different types of software or technology that are not the third party.
- 法律责任与免责
- Legal Liability and Disclaimer
4.1 利用的许可 4.1 License for Utilization
4.2 我公司特别提请用户注意:我公司为了保障公司业务发展和调整的自主权,我公司拥有随时自行修改或中断软件授权而不需通知用户的权利,如有必要,修改或中断会以通告形式公布于我公司网站重要页面上。 4.2 We specifically reminds users that in order to ensure the autonomy of our company's business development and adjustments, our company has the right to modify or interrupt software authorization at any time without notifying users. If necessary, modifications or interruptions will be announced in the form of notices on important pages of our company's website.
4.3 用户违反本《协议》或相关的服务条款的规定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,包括合理的律师费,用户同意赔偿我公司与合作公司、关联公司,并使之免受损害。 4.3 The user agrees to compensate our company, our cooperating companies, and affiliated companies for any claims, demands, or losses claimed by any third party, including reasonable legal fees, resulting from or arising from the user's violation of this Agreement or related service terms.
4.4 使用本“软件”由用户自己承担风险,我公司及合作单位对本“软件”不作任何类型的担保,不论是明示的、默示的或法令的保证和条件,包括但不限于本“软件”的适销性、适用性、无病毒、无疏忽或无技术瑕疵问题、所有权和无侵权的明示或默示担保和条件,对在任何情况下因使用或不能使用本“软件”所产生的直接、间接、偶然、特殊及后续的损害及风险,我公司及合作单位不承担任何责任。 4.4 The use of this software is at the user's own risk, and our company and cooperating units make no guarantees of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the express or implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, applicability, absence of viruses, negligence or technical defects, ownership, and non infringement of this software. Our company and cooperating units shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, and subsequent damages and risks arising from the use or inability to use this software under any circumstances.
4.5 使用本“软件”涉及到互联网服务,可能会受到各个环节不稳定因素的影响,存在因不可抗力、计算机病毒、黑客攻击、系统不稳定、用户所在位置、用户关机,非法内容信息、骚扰信息屏蔽以及其他任何网络、技术、通信线路、信息安全管理措施等原因造成的用户的经济损失,我公司及合作单位不承担任何责任。 4.5 The use of this "software" involves Internet services and may be affected by unstable factors in all links. Our company and partners will not bear any responsibility for the economic losses of users caused by force majeure, computer viruses, hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, illegal content information, harassment information shielding and any other network, technology, communication lines, information security management measures and other reasons.
4.6 用户因第三方如电信部门的通讯线路故障、技术问题、网络、电脑故障、系统不稳定性及其他各种不可抗力原因而遭受的一切损失,我公司及合作单位不承担责任。 4.6 Our company and cooperating units shall not be liable for all losses suffered by users due to communication line failures, technical problems, network and computer failures, system instability, and other force majeure reasons caused by third parties such as telecommunications departments.
4.7 因技术故障等不可抗事件影响到服务的正常运行的,我公司及合作单位承诺在第一时间内与相关单位配合,及时处理进行修复,但用户因此而遭受的一切损失,我公司及合作单位不承担责任。 4.7 If any uncontrollable events such as technical malfunctions affect the normal operation of services, our company and cooperating units promise to cooperate with relevant units in a timely manner to handle and repair them. However, our company and cooperating units shall not be responsible for any losses suffered by users as a result.
- 其他条款
- Other terms
5.1 本《协议》所定的任何条款的部分或全部无效者,不影响其它条款的效力。 5.1 Any partial or complete invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of any other provision.
5.2 本《协议》的解释、效力及纠纷的解决,适用于中华人民共和国法律。若用户和我公司之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决,协商不成的,用户在此完全同意将纠纷或争议提交我公司所在地即江苏省南京市有管辖权的人民法院管辖。 5.2 The interpretation, validity, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If there is any dispute or controversy between the user and our company, it should be resolved through friendly consultation first. If consultation fails, the user fully agrees to submit the dispute or controversy to the people's court with jurisdiction in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, where our company is located.
5.3本《协议》版权由我公司所有,我公司保留一切解释权利。本文中提及的软件和服务名称有可能为我公司的注册商标或商标,受法律保护。 5.3 The copyright of this Agreement is owned by our company, and we reserve all interpretation rights. The software and service names mentioned in this article may be registered trademarks or trademarks of our company and are protected by law.