SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_... 2.1.11 Report package
If this package has a bug/failed to install
Please do not report using the form below - that is reserved for abusive packages, such as those containing malicious code or spam.
If "SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_sqlcipher" simply doesn't work, or if you need help getting the package installed, please contact the owners instead.
If "SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_sqlcipher" simply doesn't work, or if you need help getting the package installed, please contact the owners instead.
To report a security vulnerability or copyright/trademark infringement
Please report security vulnerabilities through the official security vulnerabilities portal.
Please report copyright/trademark infringements through the official copyright/trademark infringement portal.
If this is not a Microsoft-owned package, consider also contacting the owners.
If this is not a Microsoft-owned package, consider also contacting the owners.
To report abuse, use this form
If this is your package, please sign in to contact support.