XUCore.Template.FreeSql 9.6.26

dotnet new install XUCore.Template.FreeSql::9.6.26                
This package contains a .NET Template Package you can call from the shell/command line.



基于 FreeSql 的精简分层快速开发项目模板,生成 WebApi 项目


本地安装模板:可详情见 install-template.bat 文件内



dotnet new -u xfreesql


dotnet new --install XUCore.Template.FreeSql::{version}



假设我们需要在 E:\demo 创建,


cd E:\demo


dotnet new xfreesql -n MyTest -o .

这里的 xfreesql 是使用模板短名称。

MyTest 为新创建的项目名称。


本地构建项目镜像到 Docker(如果使用 jenkins 可以直接在 jenkins 里配置)

前提是 dockerfile 需要放在项目根目录,而非启动项目的目录

不采用微软自带的 dockerfile,我们需要手工打包发布。


cd E:\demo\MyTest.WebApi2


dotnet build -c Release

3、本地发布(实际发布到当前项目的 bin/Release/net5.0/publish/ 目录)

dotnet publish -c Release

4、打包进 docker

docker build -t mytest:0.0.1 .


E:\MyTest>docker build -t mytest:0.0.1 .
[+] Building 14.7s (12/20)
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B                                                                                0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0                                                  0.0s
[+] Building 15.1s (12/20)
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
[+] Building 30.4s (12/20)
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B                                                                                0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
[+] Building 56.7s (21/21) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B                                                                                0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0                                                  0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0                                               0.0s
 => [build 1/7] FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0                                                              0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                  1.2s
 => => transferring context: 119.91MB                                                                              1.2s
 => [base 1/5] FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0                                                            0.0s
 => CACHED [build 2/7] WORKDIR /src                                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [build 3/7] COPY [MyTest.WebApi2/MyTest.WebApi2.csproj, MyTest.WebApi2/]                                   0.0s
 => CACHED [build 4/7] RUN dotnet restore "MyTest.WebApi2/MyTest.WebApi2.csproj"                                     0.0s
 => [build 5/7] COPY . .                                                                                           0.4s
 => [build 6/7] WORKDIR /src/MyTest.WebApi2                                                                         0.0s
 => [build 7/7] RUN dotnet build "MyTest.WebApi2.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build                                  43.2s
 => [publish 1/1] RUN dotnet publish "MyTest.WebApi2.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish                            11.5s
 => CACHED [base 2/5] ADD [sources.list, /etc/apt/]                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [base 3/5] RUN rm /etc/localtime                                                                        0.0s
 => CACHED [base 4/5] RUN ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime                                   0.0s
 => CACHED [base 5/5] WORKDIR /app                                                                                 0.0s
 => CACHED [final 1/2] WORKDIR /app                                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [final 2/2] COPY --from=publish /app/publish .                                                          0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                                             0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                            0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:addb11051debc4cf74c7d048d15cafdb7edbf121ae54fc55960f1b46bce94fda                       0.0s
 => => naming to docker.io/library/mytest:0.0.1                                                                    0.0s
 => => #   Determining projects to restore...
Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them

结束后,我们使用 docker images 查看打包好的镜像

E:\MyTest>docker images
REPOSITORY                        TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
mytest                            0.0.1     addb11051deb   20 hours ago   258MB
mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk      5.0       1cfcb8589c29   12 days ago    631MB
mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet   5.0       592a912e0dcb   12 days ago    205MB


docker run --name my-test -d -p 8090:8090 mytest:0.0.1

启动后我们通过 docker ps -a 查看运行的镜像

E:\MyTest>docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                       PORTS     NAMES
35c9010404ae   mytest:0.0.1   "dotnet MyTest.WebAp…"   5 minutes ago   Exited (139) 4 minutes ago             my-test




docker logs 35c9010404ae


fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]

客户端接入 API

API 隐藏操作说明
head value 说明
limit-mode contain or ignore contain 的意思是指定输出字段, ignore 的意思是忽略指定字段
limit-field 字段集合 指定要输出或要忽略的字段,以英文逗号分隔,如:column1,column2,column3
limit-field-rename 要重命名的字段 字段以输出为准,比如:code=c,subCode=sub,data=data,nickname=userNickName
limit-resolver camelcase or default camelcase 的意思是指定输出小驼峰字段, default 的意思是默认输出大小写字段
limit-date-unix true or false 当设置为true的时候 则是所有DateTime时间全部返回时间戳,当为false的时候不启用
limit-date-format 日期格式化字符串 比如:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' 返回的数据如:2021-01-06T10:03:38Z
1、如何改变 DateTime 的格式?

我们需要在 http 请求的时候,在 head 里加入配置

head value 说明
limit-date-unix true or false 当设置为true的时候 则是所有DateTime时间全部返回时间戳,当为false的时候不启用
limit-date-format 日期格式化字符串 比如:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' 返回的数据如:2021-01-06T10:03:38Z

注意: limit-date-unix的优先级要大于limit-date-format

head value 说明
limit-mode contain or ignore contain 的意思是指定输出字段, ignore 的意思是忽略指定字段
limit-field 字段集合 指定要输出或要忽略的字段,以英文逗号分隔,如:column1,column2,column3
limit-field-rename 要重命名的字段 字段以输出为准,比如:code=c,subCode=sub,data=data,nickname=userNickName



head value 说明
limit-resolver camelcase or default camelcase 的意思是指定输出小驼峰字段, default 的意思是默认输出大小写字段




设置 说明
limit-mode contain 指定匹配输出模式
limit-field code,subCode,data,userId,userNickName,entName 设置需要的字段集合,英文逗号分隔



设置 说明
limit-mode contain 指定匹配输出模式
limit-field code,sub,data,totalPages,totalRecords,pageDatas,createTime,nickName,entId,entName 设置需要的字段集合,英文逗号分隔,并以重命名后的字段为准设置输出字段
limit-field-rename subcode=sub,data=data,items=pageDatas,userNickName=nickName 重命名字段



设置 说明
limit-mode ignore 指定忽略输出模式
limit-field code,subCode,message,userId,userNickName,entName,productType,userHeadImg_48 设置要忽略的字段集合,英文逗号分隔



设置 说明
limit-mode ignore 指定忽略输出模式
limit-field code,subCode,message,userId,userNickName,entName,productType,userHeadImg_48 设置要忽略的字段集合,英文逗号分隔
limit-date-unix true 设置 DateTime 输出时间戳
Accept application/json 指定输出 json 格式的 json 字符串格式


在一定程度上使 API 接入变得稍微复杂了一点点,但是能优化网络传输,或许我们可以考虑牺牲一点复杂度,按需索取来优化传输问题。

客户端 适合程度
移动端 非常适合
web 端 适合
服务端 跨语言,在不同规范的情况下适合接入,能解决模型不一致的问题,k8s 内走内网地址不需要考虑这个问题
  • net6.0

    • No dependencies.

NuGet packages

This package is not used by any NuGet packages.

GitHub repositories

This package is not used by any popular GitHub repositories.

Version Downloads Last updated
9.6.26 154 11 days ago
9.6.25 118 2 months ago
9.6.24 110 3 months ago
9.6.23 113 3 months ago
9.6.22 115 4 months ago
9.6.21 115 4 months ago
9.6.19 109 4 months ago
9.6.18 112 4 months ago
9.6.17 109 5 months ago
9.6.16 105 5 months ago
9.6.15 105 5 months ago
9.6.14 115 5 months ago
9.6.13 112 5 months ago
9.6.12 126 6 months ago
9.6.11 119 6 months ago
9.6.10 118 6 months ago
9.6.9 103 6 months ago
9.6.8 119 6 months ago
9.6.7 106 6 months ago
9.6.6 104 6 months ago
9.6.5 124 6 months ago
9.6.4 133 6 months ago
9.6.3 146 7 months ago
9.6.2 143 7 months ago
9.6.1 145 7 months ago
9.5.9 102 8 months ago
9.5.8 102 8 months ago
9.5.7 97 8 months ago
9.5.6 96 8 months ago
9.5.5 124 8 months ago
9.5.4 117 8 months ago
9.5.3 114 8 months ago
9.5.2 112 8 months ago
9.5.1 126 8 months ago
9.4.11 114 8 months ago
9.4.10 105 9 months ago
9.4.9 133 9 months ago
9.4.8 126 9 months ago
9.4.7 132 9 months ago
9.4.6 127 9 months ago
9.4.5 126 9 months ago
9.4.4 131 9 months ago
9.4.3 124 9 months ago
9.4.2 128 9 months ago
9.4.1 119 9 months ago
9.3.11 122 10 months ago
9.3.10 125 10 months ago
9.3.9 131 10 months ago
9.3.8 159 10 months ago
9.3.7 225 10 months ago
9.3.6 138 10 months ago
9.3.5 142 10 months ago
9.3.4 164 5/22/2024
9.3.3 284 5/15/2024
9.3.2 152 5/15/2024
9.3.1 140 5/15/2024
9.2.19 144 5/14/2024
9.2.18 127 5/14/2024
9.2.17 125 5/14/2024
9.2.16 145 5/14/2024
9.2.15 147 5/13/2024
9.2.14 168 5/13/2024
9.2.13 116 5/13/2024
9.2.12 134 5/12/2024
9.2.11 200 5/11/2024
9.2.10 149 5/10/2024
9.2.9 164 5/9/2024
9.2.8 195 5/7/2024
9.2.7 164 5/7/2024
9.2.6 118 4/29/2024
9.2.5 134 4/25/2024
9.2.4 148 4/22/2024
9.2.3 125 4/19/2024
9.2.2 137 4/19/2024
9.2.1 128 4/17/2024
9.1.13 159 4/16/2024
9.1.12 133 4/16/2024
9.1.11 166 4/16/2024
9.1.10 172 4/14/2024
9.1.9 159 4/14/2024
9.1.8 168 4/12/2024
9.1.7 140 4/12/2024
9.1.6 174 4/12/2024
9.1.5 182 4/11/2024
9.1.4 151 4/11/2024
9.1.3 154 4/11/2024
9.1.2 148 4/10/2024
9.1.1 219 4/9/2024
8.11.12 149 4/9/2024
8.11.11 174 4/3/2024
8.11.10 178 3/29/2024
8.11.9 227 3/28/2024
8.11.8 237 3/26/2024
8.11.7 307 3/25/2024
8.11.6 371 3/21/2024
8.11.5 464 3/13/2024
8.11.4 316 3/10/2024
8.11.3 451 3/4/2024
8.11.2 347 3/4/2024
8.11.1 381 3/1/2024
8.10.14 594 2/21/2024
8.10.13 347 2/20/2024
8.10.12 403 2/20/2024
8.10.11 314 2/20/2024
8.10.10 348 2/20/2024
8.10.8 475 2/20/2024
8.10.7 363 2/18/2024
8.10.6 352 2/18/2024
8.10.5 712 2/6/2024
8.10.4 409 2/6/2024
8.10.3 454 2/4/2024
8.10.2 398 2/4/2024
8.10.1 577 2/4/2024
8.9.9 399 2/3/2024
8.9.8 347 2/3/2024
8.9.7 610 1/26/2024
8.9.6 358 1/26/2024
8.9.5 487 1/25/2024
8.9.4 426 1/25/2024
8.9.3 620 1/24/2024
8.9.2 513 1/23/2024
8.9.1 334 1/23/2024
8.9.0 414 1/23/2024
8.8.9 523 1/23/2024
8.8.8 513 1/22/2024
8.8.7 589 1/22/2024
8.8.6 410 1/22/2024
8.8.5 410 1/22/2024
8.8.4 347 1/22/2024
8.8.3 439 1/22/2024
8.8.2 469 1/20/2024
8.8.1 498 1/20/2024
8.8.0 464 1/20/2024
8.7.9 449 1/20/2024
8.7.8 526 1/20/2024
8.7.7 483 1/19/2024
8.7.6 483 1/19/2024
8.7.5 455 1/19/2024
8.7.4 474 1/19/2024
8.7.3 383 1/19/2024
8.7.2 413 1/19/2024
8.7.1 505 1/19/2024
8.7.0 434 1/18/2024
8.6.9 470 1/18/2024
8.6.8 408 1/18/2024
8.6.7 423 1/18/2024
8.6.6 481 1/18/2024
8.6.5 450 1/18/2024
8.6.4 450 1/17/2024
8.6.3 454 1/17/2024
8.6.2 537 1/17/2024
8.6.1 473 1/16/2024
8.6.0 486 1/16/2024
8.5.9 483 1/16/2024
8.5.8 459 1/15/2024
8.5.7 505 1/15/2024
8.5.6 605 1/15/2024
8.5.5 537 1/14/2024
8.5.4 529 1/14/2024
8.5.3 531 1/13/2024
8.5.2 457 1/13/2024
8.5.1 497 1/13/2024
8.5.0 527 1/12/2024
8.4.9 488 1/11/2024
8.4.8 597 1/11/2024
8.4.7 547 1/10/2024
8.4.6 632 1/10/2024
8.4.5 447 1/10/2024
8.4.4 554 1/9/2024
8.4.3 606 1/8/2024
8.4.2 610 1/8/2024
8.4.1 558 1/8/2024
8.4.0 420 1/8/2024
8.3.9 487 1/8/2024
8.3.8 520 1/8/2024
8.3.7 501 1/8/2024
8.3.6 616 1/6/2024
8.3.5 500 1/5/2024
8.3.4 546 1/5/2024
8.3.3 483 1/5/2024
8.3.2 443 1/5/2024
8.3.1 633 1/5/2024
8.3.0 480 1/5/2024
8.2.9 545 1/5/2024
8.2.8 649 1/4/2024
8.2.7 587 1/4/2024
8.2.6 506 1/4/2024
8.2.5 450 1/4/2024
8.2.4 556 1/3/2024
8.2.3 509 1/3/2024
8.2.2 669 1/3/2024
8.2.1 528 1/3/2024
8.2.0 505 1/2/2024
8.1.9 449 1/2/2024
8.1.8 778 12/25/2023
8.1.7 958 12/18/2023
8.1.6 692 12/15/2023
8.1.5 647 12/14/2023
8.1.4 711 12/14/2023
8.1.3 648 12/14/2023
8.1.2 670 12/14/2023
8.1.1 650 12/14/2023
8.1.0 729 12/13/2023
8.0.9 605 12/13/2023
8.0.8 529 12/13/2023
8.0.7 608 12/13/2023
8.0.6 783 12/12/2023
8.0.5 791 12/12/2023
8.0.4 812 12/11/2023
8.0.3 786 12/7/2023
8.0.2 681 12/6/2023
8.0.1 633 12/5/2023
8.0.0 527 12/5/2023
7.9.9 866 12/5/2023
7.9.8 759 12/5/2023
7.9.7 741 12/4/2023
7.9.6 592 12/4/2023
7.9.5 655 12/1/2023
7.9.4 933 11/24/2023
7.9.3 637 11/24/2023
7.9.2 811 11/23/2023
7.9.1 804 11/17/2023
7.9.0 633 11/17/2023
7.8.9 628 11/17/2023
7.8.8 689 11/16/2023
7.8.7 547 11/16/2023
7.8.6 675 11/16/2023
7.8.5 645 11/16/2023
7.8.4 593 11/15/2023
7.8.3 537 11/14/2023
7.8.2 639 11/10/2023
7.8.1 736 11/10/2023
7.8.0 704 11/10/2023
7.7.9 614 11/9/2023
7.7.8 576 11/9/2023
7.7.7 655 11/8/2023
7.7.6 610 11/8/2023
7.7.5 702 11/7/2023
7.7.4 661 11/7/2023
7.7.3 555 11/7/2023
7.7.2 608 11/7/2023
7.7.1 648 11/7/2023
7.7.0 761 11/3/2023
7.6.9 704 11/3/2023
7.6.8 776 11/3/2023
7.6.7 643 11/3/2023
7.6.6 735 11/2/2023
7.6.5 792 10/31/2023
7.6.4 661 10/31/2023
7.6.3 642 10/30/2023
7.6.2 768 10/27/2023
7.6.1 691 10/27/2023
7.6.0 706 10/27/2023
7.5.9 852 10/27/2023
7.5.8 727 10/27/2023
7.5.7 709 10/26/2023
7.5.6 750 10/26/2023
7.5.5 765 10/26/2023
7.5.4 562 10/26/2023
7.5.3 764 10/25/2023
7.5.2 694 10/25/2023
7.5.1 797 10/25/2023
7.5.0 821 10/24/2023
7.4.9 709 10/24/2023
7.4.8 809 10/24/2023
7.4.7 730 10/23/2023
7.4.6 812 10/20/2023
7.4.5 809 10/20/2023
7.4.4 655 10/18/2023
7.4.3 978 10/9/2023
7.4.2 586 10/8/2023
7.4.1 895 10/7/2023
7.4.0 800 9/15/2023
7.3.9 695 9/15/2023
7.3.8 716 9/14/2023
7.3.7 638 9/14/2023
7.3.6 791 9/14/2023
7.3.5 876 9/13/2023
7.3.4 738 9/13/2023
7.3.3 711 9/13/2023
7.3.2 618 9/12/2023
7.3.1 783 9/12/2023
7.3.0 837 9/12/2023
7.2.9 845 9/7/2023
7.2.8 773 9/7/2023
7.2.7 655 9/6/2023
7.2.6 773 9/6/2023
7.2.5 841 9/6/2023
7.2.4 788 8/31/2023
7.2.3 813 8/31/2023
7.2.2 707 8/30/2023
7.2.1 773 8/30/2023
7.2.0 823 8/30/2023
7.1.9 817 8/29/2023
7.1.8 752 8/29/2023
7.1.7 760 8/29/2023
7.1.6 696 8/29/2023
7.1.5 936 8/28/2023
7.1.4 860 8/28/2023
7.1.3 709 8/28/2023
7.1.2 827 8/25/2023
7.1.1 843 8/25/2023
7.1.0 739 8/25/2023
7.0.9 766 8/25/2023
7.0.8 588 8/24/2023
7.0.7 705 8/24/2023
7.0.6 805 8/24/2023
7.0.5 852 8/24/2023
7.0.4 735 8/23/2023
6.9.18 959 8/22/2023
6.9.17 867 8/22/2023
6.9.16 787 8/22/2023
6.9.15 814 8/22/2023
6.9.14 886 8/22/2023
6.9.13 789 8/22/2023
6.9.12 786 8/20/2023
6.9.11 791 8/19/2023
6.9.10 682 8/19/2023
6.9.9 901 8/19/2023