- 284,984 total downloads
- last updated 3/3/2025
- Latest version: 11.3.0
SoundFingerprinting is a C# framework that implements an efficient algorithm of audio fingerprinting and identification. Designed for developers, enthusiasts, researchers in the fields of audio processing, data... More information -
- 199,637 total downloads
- last updated 2/21/2025
- Latest version: 11.2.56
SoundFingerprinting.Emy is a native C# client for Emy fingerprints storage. It provides ways to insert, query, delete entries from Emy. To learn more about SoundFingerprinting visit github page... More information -
- 42,964 total downloads
- last updated 7/1/2019
- Latest version: 7.0.0
Un4seen.Bass extension library for SoundFingerprinting framework. SoundFingerprinting default library is designed to read only raw wave files. This extension provides the ability to read all files supported by... More information -
- 33,022 total downloads
- last updated 12/23/2021
- Latest version: 8.0.0
NAudio extension library for SoundFingerprinting framework. This extension provides the ability to read all files supported by NAudio media foundation framework. Since NAudio depends on Windows native calls,... More information -
- 29,447 total downloads
- last updated 6/5/2019
- Latest version: 6.3.0
SoundFingerprinting is a C# framework that implements an efficient algorithm of audio fingerprinting and identification. Designed for developers, enthusiasts, researchers in the fields of audio processing, data... More information -
- 27,107 total downloads
- last updated 7/4/2018
- Latest version: 5.2.2
SoundFingerprinting is a C# framework that implements an efficient algorithm of audio fingerprinting and identification. Designed for developers, enthusiasts, researchers in the fields of audio processing, data... More information