by: CavrnusCore - 18,107 total downloads
- last updated 10/24/2024
- Latest version: 2024.2.8
Implements access to the Cavrnus Platform, which provides for multi-user synchronization, real-time communication, asset management and sharing, and much more. -
- 13,385 total downloads
- last updated 10/24/2024
- Latest version: 2024.2.8
Implements Voice and Video Communications for use by the Cavrnus platform (Cavrnus.Core), for windows only. -
- 12,463 total downloads
- last updated 10/24/2024
- Latest version: 2024.2.8
High level API for using the Cavrnus platform. Wraps Cavrnus.Core for convenience and simplicity for common uses. Optionally additionally use Cavrnus.Rtc.Windows to include voice and video.