- 33,118 total downloads
- last updated 12/31/2015
- Latest version: 0.8.25
Exira.EventStore is an F# implementation for EventStore (https://geteventstore.com/) -
- 25,928 total downloads
- last updated 12/30/2015
- Latest version: 1.3.26
Exira.EventStore.Runner is a wrapper that uses Topshelf to run EventStore as a Windows Service -
- 20,252 total downloads
- last updated 12/31/2015
- Latest version: 0.2.39
F# Helpers to facilitate with the Railway Oriented Programming approach. -
- 16,661 total downloads
- last updated 12/29/2015
- Latest version: 0.4.15
Exira.EventStore.Owin is an OWIN middleware to keep an EventStore connection shared per application -
- 9,481 total downloads
- last updated 12/29/2015
- Latest version: 1.2.22
Exira.Route53Updater is a console application which updates a Route 53 record with the current EC2 hostname -
- 8,498 total downloads
- last updated 1/22/2016
- Latest version: 0.3.15
Exira.VersionHeader.Owin is an OWIN middleware to add assembly version information to HTTP headers -
- 7,240 total downloads
- last updated 12/29/2015
- Latest version: 1.2.20
Exira.StaticMailer is a REST endpoint running in a Windows Service to enable static sites to easily send mail -
by: exiraGitBackup -
- 7,031 total downloads
- last updated 1/17/2016
- Latest version: 0.5.7
Exira.GitBackup is a console application which backs up Git repositories on a rotating schedule -
- 5,953 total downloads
- last updated 12/29/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.6
Exira.SimpleHttpServer is a simple HTTP server to serve static files -
- 5,224 total downloads
- last updated 12/29/2015
- Latest version: 0.3.8
Exira.CsrfValidation.Owin is an OWIN middleware to prevent CSRF attacks by validating HTTP Headers and Cookies -
by: exiraEbsBackup -
- 3,631 total downloads
- last updated 1/17/2016
- Latest version: 1.5.7
Exira.EbsBackup is a console application which backs up EBS volumes on a rotating schedule -
- 3,574 total downloads
- last updated 12/28/2015
- Latest version: 0.1.19
Exira.AwsS3Cache is an IIS module which reads cached objects from AWS S3 and quickly serves them to end users -
- 2,890 total downloads
- last updated 4/18/2015
- Latest version: 0.0.2
MediaTypeFormatter based on Jil (https://github.com/kevin-montrose/Jil) -
- 1,357 total downloads
- last updated 1/2/2016
- Latest version: 0.3.2
Exira.EventStore.Logger is a Topshelf service to log EventStore events using Serilog -